PMM sponsors, for another year, the Rough Sleeper and Trainee Outreach Worker service run by SPEAR
PMM continues to fund a Rough Sleeper Outreach Worker and Trainee Outreach Worker in 2020-21
SPEAR is delighted that PMM, a real estate asset management company, has renewed their partnership with SPEAR for 2020 – 21. Having previously funded a Trainee Outreach Worker and an Outreach Worker in 2019 – 20, their funding for this service continues in 2020 – 21. This service run by SPEAR in the Borough of Wandsworth, helps support rough sleepers off the streets, move them into accommodation and address their health and wider social care problems.
PMM’s support has worked effectively alongside that of the local authority, allowing SPEAR to reach even more rough sleepers in the most expansive borough we work in, with some very entrenched and hard to reach rough sleepers.
The difference to rough sleepers in Wandsworth
- In 2019 – 20, 200 rough sleepers were helped in Wandsworth. 71% of the clients found on the streets engaged with SPEAR either through health interventions, support with welfare or skills and education.
- 33% of those helped engaged with accommodation either through hostels, social housing or emergency accommodation
- Around 74% of those helped were male and 26% female
Here is just one of the many people helped to turn their life around in Wandsworth:
SPEAR met Tania (name changed to protect identity) in her early 40’s rough sleeping in a park in Wandsworth – she told us that she had fled domestic violence 6 months previously and lost her home. Tania had been sofa surfing with friends but had run out of places to stay and had been rough sleeping for 1 month.
Tania had no access to benefits or support in the community and was experiencing PTSD, depression and anxiety.
With SPEAR’s help, Tania was able to:
- Get Tania into supported accommodation
- Keep Tania safe from domestic violence perpetrator and link in with DV legal and emotional support
- Help Tania to access benefits so she has income
- Link Tania in with GP and mental health support to address PTSD
Tania is working on her mental health and now getting the right support. She was taken to a recovery café – she is still attending the art classes there and wants to become a volunteer soon.
Tania is off the streets and will be supported from her SPEAR accommodation with her move-on options in around 6 months. Tania is safe from the perpetrator that she fled domestic violence from.
Tania’s social networks have expanded through attending drop ins and recovery café and she is looking to reconnect with her children in the future.
Tania is able to attend her Job Centre meetings and manage her own money.